Friday, October 24, 2014
At the Atomic Athlete Gym
622 Pedernales St,
Austin, Texas 78702
Check-in: 7:00pm
Ruck Time: 7:30-9:00pm
Block Party: 9:00 – 11:00pm
Every 90 minutes someone is diagnosed with, or dies from ALS. In the time it takes to trek around Town Lake, another life is impacted by ALS. Another friend, brother, dad, daughter, athlete, soldier’s life is forever changed by this under-funded disease. We want to change that. We want to We want to help find a cure and a treatment for ALS, we want to help those diagnosed carry the load. They are our friends, our family, our heroes.
ALS diagnosis is 3 times as likely in military and 4 times as likely in athletes. Our communities in particular are being impacted by ALS more than the general population. Fortunately, our communities have the amazing ability to come together and rally behind a worthy cause. We have strength in our numbers; we have the courage to fight.
Join us on the evening of Friday, October 24, 2014, as we help our friends impacted by ALS carry the load for 90 minutes in the Every90Minutes Hero Ruck Challenge.
Grab a headlamp, some comfortable gear, water, and a weighted ruck sack and join us on our journey to raise awareness for ALS among the military and athletic communities in Central Texas. We will ruck around Town Lake at sundown and finish with a block party in East Austin, near downtown. Free food and drinks will be provided to all participants.
100% of your $25 Registration Fee goes to fund research for treatments and a cure for ALS via
Ruck Load: 90 lbs – Can be carried individually, or between 2-3 people per team. You can carry the weight however you prefer, but backpacks are recommend. Please watch the video for instructions on how to load your pack optimally.
For Teams: Please include the name of your teammates in the Notes section on the registration page. We will organize your team at the time of check-in on the event day.
Let’s take the ALS Bucket Challenge a step further…be a part of a fun, challenging, charitable event that provides 100% of registration fees to research foundations. Still want to get iced for a good cause? There may be some ice buckets at the finish line for you.
If you can’t join us, you can still make a donation.
100% of all proceeds will go The 90 Foundation. Dedicated to promoting ALS research.
I missed this one but would love to do another if there is one comming up.