Award-winning journalist Susan Spencer-Wendel was in her prime when she got a devastating diagnosis: ALS, sometimes known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. Knowing she only had a few years to live, she and her family started tackling all the items on her bucket list. In May 2014, Susan passed away from ALS.
A former Captain of the Boston College baseball team and professional baseball player in Europe, Pete Frates was diagnosed with ALS in March of 2012, at the age of 27. This feature from A Life Story Foundation features Pete's life with ALS and his active role in raising awareness and funds for ALS.
In 2011 Scott Sullivan, 39-year-old Queensland dad was featured in an Australian spot featuring Scott as he lives every day as if it's his last. This piece follows Scott as he deals with having to tell his family about his terminal illness and illustrates the raw emotions of a father dying of the disease. Scott passed away in April...
Former NFL New Orleans Saints player Steve Gleason has been battling ALS since 2011. Athletes, especially soccer and football players are no stranger to ALS. These athletes are four times more likely to die from the disease. Gleason started Team Gleason to raise awareness for ALS, empower those living with it, and ultimately find a cure....